Thursday, October 11, 2012

Is Social media impacting our lives?

First I shall ask you a simple question. Is social media impacting our lives by removing face to face interactions? We have Facebook, Twitter, Myspace, and a whole lot more out there. Is this good? Well there are two sides to this argument. First we have the side on how it can be beneficial. We also have another side on how it is removing face to face interactions and real friends. Is it better to have five hundred friends on Facebook, and only having met fifty of them in person? Or is it better to just have a hundred friends in reality that you actually meet up with and talk to?

I believe that social networks are good for talking to friends or family that lives overseas or far away. If these people you talk to on Twitter or Facebook live right next door to you, why not just meet up. Have a real chat in person, and talk about things that you might not say on a social network site.

Another downfall in social networking sites is cyber-bullying. People like to post information about other people that is either inaccurate or harmful. The people who usually do this are the people that are not brave enough to say these things to that person face to face. Nowadays cyber-bullying is starting to become a problem in a lot of schools and places around the world. Somebody might say something about another person on Myspace, but that person might live sever thousand miles away from them.

So, next time you might join a social network website, think about is you actually need this accessory and who it might impact in your life.

Thursday, September 27, 2012


Slipknot and Koᴙn  are both American nu-metal bands that both started performing in the early 90’s.(Koᴙn being a few years older than Slipknot) I love both of these bands, so I will be reviewing both of their greatest hits albums. Slipknot’s greatest hits are called: Antennas to Hell. While Koᴙn’s greatest hits are called: Greatest Hits Vol 1.

I have chosen these metal bands because; in the world of metal they are great rivals. I personally like Slipknot more because they are more known and I have been listening to them for a longer period of time. Koᴙn is also good, but I have just started listening to them for just a few weeks, so I am still getting used to the new songs that are getting blasted into my ears.

If you are a person that likes to bang your head a lot and make a big racket in the neighborhood, then Slipknot is the one to go for. If you like metal, but like a lower level intensity of hearing the classic metal growl, then Koᴙn is for you.

My favorite songs from Slipknot’s Antennas to Hell are: Left Behind, Psychosocial, Spit it Out, Surfacing, Before I Forget, People=S#!t, and Pulse of Maggots. I love these songs because I love heavy hardcore metal that will eventually destroy my eardrums and cause massive headaches. I’m not sure why I like this, but I just do with great respect for it.

My favorite songs from Koᴙn’s Greatest Hits Vol 1 are: Another Brick in the Wall, Word Up, A.D.I.D.A.S, Y’all Want a Single, Twist, and Clown. I love these songs only because Koᴙn is slightly more forgiving than Slipknot. So, after I listen to my favorite tracks from Slipknot, I listen to Koᴙn to cool the metal off a bit.

Both of these bands are awesome, but if I were to choose one I will of course go for the heavier Slipknot. I also like Koᴙn, but they are softer and not as violent… 

Below are the music videos of my favorite songs from each band. WARNING: IT HAS SOME GORE!!!

Left Behind by Slipknot:

Another Brick In The Wall by Koᴙn:

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Five Years Later.....

In five years time I hope that I will be studying in university somewhere in Australia. I am not sure where yet, but that location must have a golf course nearby so that I can practice on a regular basis. But I am still not sure, because at that time I will be 19 years old, and would have met lots of different people that can change the course of my dreams.

In university I want to study networking in I.T. I want to study this subject because I was told by an experienced I.T. man that there are lots of people in the world which are looking for people who know how to set up a network or server system. Studying in university is now very important these days, because if you don’t have the knowledge or skill, then you will not find many jobs with high pay too easily.

Apart from my university, I also want to become a professional golf player. Ever since I was small I wanted to play in the tour with other professionals. This dream of mine has made me addicted to playing the game for more than four years, and I hope for more years to come. If I can one day become a professional, then that would make me feel satisfied with my life and not wanting it to end early for some reason.

So, in five years time I want to become a professional golf player on tour, while also having networking in I.T. as a side job that earns an extra bit more money.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Making A WIFI Signal Booster

Hi there. Ever had trouble connecting to your home WIFI system, and it is just a little bit out of range? Well I get that problem. In my house the WIFI machine is in the office which is downstairs, and my room is upstairs, so I don't get a signal. What I am going to show you how to make today is a WIFI signal booster.

Step 1 is an important step. This step is just to gather up the materials you will need to make this device. Below are the items needed:
  • The template which needs to be printed A4 size(which you can acquire by clicking here)
  • A3 card
  • Aluminium-foil
  • A glue-stick
  • Scissors or a paper cutter( if using a paper cutter you also need a strong ruler)
Our second step is to glue the template to the A3 card. I would recommend to use a lot of glue so that the template does not peel itself off of the card.

The third step is to flip the card over and stick the aluminum-foil to it. We must use aluminum-foil because this will help project the signal out a farther distance.

Step 4 is to carefully cut around the template. The template consists of two sections. There is one circular shaped piece, and one squared piece. This is the hardest step, because if you accidently cut a line right through the middle of it, then you will have to restart the whole creation.

In step five we need to cut holes in the middle of the template. There are already indications on where to cut. Try and cut the holes on the circular template big enough so that the WIFI antenna can go through.

In our penultimate step, we need to fold the shape. First we have to fold the circular shape.  The circular shape has five tabs which you must slot into the five open slot holes in the square shape. If this step sounds confusing, then please consider looking have a look at the picture below.

Alright now it is the last step. In this step we have to just put the antenna through the last two holes.

Now we are done! If you have created it correctly, then your signal can be boosted by a whole 25%. If you are confused on how to make this then you can click here and watch the same video I watched a few months ago.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Top Three Fruits that I Hate Most

Fruit Item 1
The food that I absolutely hate most is that spiky looking fruit called durian. It smells disgusting, but it tastes more terrible than how it smells. The first time I had it in my life was when I was about four years old. I grabbed the fruit and gave it a try, but I told one little bite and decided that I didn't want anymore for the rest of my life. Nowadays if I just have a smell of durian, I either hide my face in my shirt or get as far away as possible.

Fruit Item 2
The fruit that is second worst in my opinion is jackfruit. This fruit is a similar to durian. Smelly and strange tasting. The first and last time I had this was as a desert when I was six years old. It had a strange taste mix between sour and sweetness. But is if I were forced to eat one of these fruits, I would choose the jackfruit because it doesn't nearly smell as bad as durian.

Fruit Item 3
My third fruit item for today is not anywhere near as bad as the fruit above. This fruit is the granadilla passion fruit. It doesn't taste that bad, but it just feels strange in my mouth. The strange feeling is from the gooey insides of the fruit. The first time I ate this was when I was ten years old. This fruit does not taste or smell anywhere near the others, but it just has a strange felling in my mouth like gooey slime.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

My Dad's Words

My dad 
helped me with some words that I thought were very inspiring. And these words were "The best player isn't the one with the best score, but the one that has the most fun." These words may not have much sense to other people but to me it has a massive effect on the way I play sports that I know how to play, or sports that I am a complete newbie at.

Nowadays, if I play golf or any game that I am good at, and I have a bad score, I don’t get upset, but I just think about the brighter side and if I actually had fun or not. Sometimes I might have a very horrid score, but in the end I still keep my head high and smile, even as if I hadn't had a bad score. I do this because I knew I had fun.

For example, we did surfing for school P.E. And I don’t know how to surf. Alright I fell off a lot, and I wasn't the best beginner out there, but I still had bucket loads lots of fun in the water.

Another thing I realised was that if you have more fun than anger, you could become more successful, because you may have the advantage of having more patience than others. And because of this I have a small advantage over other competitors in the sports I like to play.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

My Top 10 Rock Songs of All Time

I love rock and metal. Always have and always will. Below are the top 10 rock songs that I consider excellent, and the songs that I listen to the most. The genres range from classic rock, rock, punk rock, to death metal. The songs listed below are from various bands. But only one of these band are my favorite, and that is the band appears the most below.  

1.     Left Behind by Slipknot is the top of my list. This is because the first time I heard the song, it was stuck in my head for weeks.
Iowa Album

2.     My Plague by Slipknot is second. I choose this because it was also stuck in my head for  while....
Iowa Album

3.     Breed by Nirvana is third. I chose this because I thought it was one of the best songs by Nirvana.
Nevermind Album

4.     Back in Black by AC/DC. I like it because it is a classic from AC/DC
Back in Black Album

5.     Cowboys from Hell by Pantera.  This is a great song...
Cowboys From Hell Album

6.     Killing in the Name by Rage Against the Machine. I believe to be the best song by Rage Against the Machine
Rage Against the Machine Album

7.     Liberate by Slipknot.  I like it because it fits the Slipknot breed. Heavy but not extreme.
Slipknot Album

8.     Smells Like Teen Spirit by Nirvana. This song is a grunge legend!
From the Muddy Banks of the Wishkah Album

9.     Raining Blood by Slayer. I believe one of the best thrash metal songs
Reign in Blood Album

10.   Welcome to the Jungle by Guns N' Roses. Classic....
Appetite for Destruction Album

Friday, July 27, 2012

I.T. Work Experience

I kick started my fantastic work experience by entering the information technology room of A.I.S. to meet my future boss, and to see the room I will be working in for the next five days. Mr. Izule, who was our boss and the head of I.T. in A.I.S. Bali, did not wanted to be called our boss, but as our co-worker. My second co-worker was my friend Ryan. And over the course of five days, Ryan and I both had a deeper understanding of the world of I.T.
          Day one was an introductory day. In this day, we got to know our work place, our new co-worker, computer skills, and each other.
Our first task was to decide what we wanted to work on for the week. We had to choose either hardware or software. Since both Ryan and I thought hardware was a stronger skill point, we went with that. Hardware is simply physical technology that we can hold in our hands. (e.g. CD ROM, hardrive, or USB drive) And software is the technical name for programs and features. (e.g. Adobe, Gamemaker , or Evernote) Since we had chosen hardware to work on, we were given the simple task of writing down the names of all hardware devices we have heard of, and finding out how these things work or affect our computer.
At the end of the day we were told to create our first computer.  We put a new CD ROM, hard-drive, and ram into a computer that only contained a main-board (main running system of all computers) and circuit cables. We then attached our new hardware into the computer with screws and then started her up for the first time. And she ran beautifully!
First Fix

          When we entered our work room for the wonderful crisp morning of day two, we were in for a surprise. Mr. Izule told us to watch a movie! The movie that we were told to watch was called Pirates of Silicon Vally, which was a movie about the birth of Apple Inc. and Microsoft Windows. The movie gave both Ryan and I a deeper understanding of the two technology giants and how different their operating systems became.

After the movie, we were told to install Windows XP for our first time to a computer. First we had to open the setup screen of the computer in the start up, to see if everything was in pristine order to install Windows. Then we ran the CD which contained the windows system, and entered the installation process, which took a total of an hour. While we were waiting, we were learning more about hardware and software on the internet, as Mr. Izule was very busy with his work. Then, as the time slipped slowly through our fingers, the computer was installed with a brand new operating system!
Day three was the biggest and hardest day we had in this experience. We started with the installation of school software for two brand new computers that came straight out of the box and lucky for us, it already had Windows in it!

 Next was testing fifteen old computers, one after the other. It turns out that two of these fifteen can go to the scrap yard, as we found out that they wouldn’t start up at all. That took up a massive chunk of time. Two Hours!
When we had finished testing these computers, we started installing another computer with Windows XP. This machine was a newer model from  the one we did the day before, so our installation time was cut down by fifteen minutes. This installation worked after our first three attempts.
Second Computer

The next task we had to complete was to create our own LAN cables that can connect to the internet. It wasn’t as easy as we thought it was going to be. First we had to line up the small eight cables in a colour order. If these coloured cables are placed in the wrong order, than the cable won’t function at all. I then tested my cable in a cable tester, and thank god that it worked after all the work I put into making it.
Steps for creating LAN Cable

 Our final task for the day was to wait for the I.T. classroom of A.I.S. to become completely empty, so that we can access all of twenty some computers that fill the classroom. Our mission was to install software called Evernote and Aku Shaper before four o’clock. We had a time limit because all the school computers have an automatic shut down time of four o’clock. So we were under the pump for one and a half hours. And it was also the perfect time to add one of our two new computers to the I.T. lab.
We ended up completing the mission just shy of four o’clock, and got to go home ten minutes earlier than expected.

In our penultimate day of work we began with the setup of the second computer we had received the day before. The rest of the day was really waiting for this new computer to install. We couldn’t do much else but help other people because Mr. Izule was very busy with his own work, which was too complicated for us. So we just sat and waited it out until two thirty, which was the time to add the last edition of new computers to the I.T. Lab.
Today was our last day. I was sad that we had to end in one week, because I loved this experienceL. The boss was nice, because he is very patient with us, and we didn’t have the usual stresses of working.
Today we immediately started installing Windows XP onto hard-drives. We only managed to install two only hard-drives, because of the distractions of many people coming in and out of the room seeking help with their computers.
Another job that we were given after the windows process was to test eighteen broken hard-drives. Our mission was to check if they were actually broken, or they just had a sticker with broken on it. It turns out that five of the eighteen were still functioning without any problems.
Our last mission of the day, and job experience was to burn software to nineteen CD discs. This task was told by a teacher to be completed before two thirty. And it was done with only a few minutes left to spare.
All this experience that I have learnt over the course of five days has really been a pleasure. I would like to thank Mr. Izule for being such a fantastic and kind work experience boss/teacher, giving us each a copy of Windows XP on a CD, and for also giving us each this awesome experience.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Calvin in Genting Highlands Malaysia

In my fun, long four week holiday, I went to many places. But the main experience I had was when I went to the Genting Highlands resort and theme park, high up in the mountains of Malaysia with my mum, auntie and two cousins. This place is so high up in fact, that we had to travel three and an quarter kilometers up the mountain in a cable-car just to get there!
Long and boring climb up, but we eventually made it to our hotel called First World Hotel, which had a total of about 6,000 rooms. It took us a cracking 4 hours just to check in to this place! Typical when it is holiday seasonJ!
When we got to our room which was on the sixth floor, we dumped our bags and went to a place to eat. And that place happened to be McDonalds! I was so hungry that I had two Big Macs, one Double Cheeseburger, one large fries and one large Coke to satisfy my hunger.  
Apart from check in and eating, we spent some of our first night in the indoor theme park of Genting. I immediately tackled the haunted house, and the Ripley’s Believe it or not museum, because I thought they were the best looking attractions that you could I could indoor.
The next morning I had breakfast at a place in the indoor theme park that sold traditional Kaya Toast. It was wonderful! Then at ten a.m. sharp, I lined up at the ticket counters to buy a ticket for riding the indoor and outdoor roller coasters. I purchased the ticket for 60 Malaysian Ringgits, just to get access to every thriller there was in this high altitude resort world. These roller coasters were not the scariest rides I’ve been on in my life, but it was still a hell of a ride.        
Apart from the mind blowing coasters, and indoor attractions, we also had round of glow in the dark bowling. In glow in the dark bowling, the room is dimly lit, and the bowling balls and pins all glow to give a cool neon glow color. The strange part of that game is, that I played a way better score that I do in normal bowling, which is strange considering the amount of lighting there is in glow in the dark bowling compared to normal bowling.
The next day we went back to Kuala Lumpur to stay for three more nights. And this was bad news for me because I had to put up with a little thing called shopping. In the mall I am known for only one thing. And that thing is called the art of waiting in pure boredom. Thank god I survived all the waiting that I had to do.
That night we at ice cream at a very strange place. This place was called T-BOWL. And the chair weren't exactly chairs, they were toilets. The reason why I wanted to eat ice cream was because it came in a bath tub shaped plate. This was a very strange place I ate at, but I will recommend it to anyone that wants to eat ice cream there, as it was very nice.
After our last few days in Malaysia, we pack up our bags and headed back to Indonesia, to spend the last remaining week of my holiday.