Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Top Three Fruits that I Hate Most

Fruit Item 1
The food that I absolutely hate most is that spiky looking fruit called durian. It smells disgusting, but it tastes more terrible than how it smells. The first time I had it in my life was when I was about four years old. I grabbed the fruit and gave it a try, but I told one little bite and decided that I didn't want anymore for the rest of my life. Nowadays if I just have a smell of durian, I either hide my face in my shirt or get as far away as possible.

Fruit Item 2
The fruit that is second worst in my opinion is jackfruit. This fruit is a similar to durian. Smelly and strange tasting. The first and last time I had this was as a desert when I was six years old. It had a strange taste mix between sour and sweetness. But is if I were forced to eat one of these fruits, I would choose the jackfruit because it doesn't nearly smell as bad as durian.

Fruit Item 3
My third fruit item for today is not anywhere near as bad as the fruit above. This fruit is the granadilla passion fruit. It doesn't taste that bad, but it just feels strange in my mouth. The strange feeling is from the gooey insides of the fruit. The first time I ate this was when I was ten years old. This fruit does not taste or smell anywhere near the others, but it just has a strange felling in my mouth like gooey slime.

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